Surviving A Week in OUR Demonic School PT 3 (THE POSESSION)

Surviving A Week in OUR Demonic School PT 3 (THE POSESSION)

Published diciembre 07, 2024

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Download Dragon City and get our Haunted Professor Dragon:​ Sam and Colby bring KallMeKris and CelinaSpookyBoo fight a demon in the most haunted school in America: Farrar Elementary. They spend 7 days inside after buying the property to investigate why this dark building is so paranormally active... but the ghost hunters need to banish the entity to save the school. Book a Tour at Farrar Elementary: https://www.hauntedfar...​    / farrarelementary  ​​    / farrarelementary  ​ Watch All of Hell Week -- Episode 1:     • Surviving A Week at OU...  ​ Episode 2:     • Surviving A Week in OU...  ​ Episode 3:     • Surviving A Week in OU...  ​ Join XPLR CLUB for FREE:​ What's XPLR CLUB? it's sam and colby's very own social media platform! You'll get everything from extra haunted investigations to podcasts to vlog adventures to giveaways where you could win the chance to be in their next video! watch the video here:​ Subscribe to our Reacts Channel:     / samandcolbyreacts  ​ Make sure to Subscribe:​ NEW XPLR MERCH:​ XPLR APP! Download for free:​ Android:​ Editor: Charles Liu, Sam and Colby Asst Editor: Christine Ahn Producer: Zach Bell This is where we got our Ghost Equipment (affiliate):​ Music Used: https://share.epidemic...​ Friends in Video: Kris: ‪@kallmekris‬​ Celina: ‪@CelinaSpookyBoo‬​ Pythian Priestess:    / pythianpriestess  ​ Our other social media! COLBY:     / colbybrock  ​ SAM:     / samgolbach  ​ Instagram: @SamandColby Twitter: @SamandColby Snapchat: @samgolbach & @colbybrock #SamandColby​ #HellWeek​ #haunted​ About: Sam and Colby create haunted, exploration videos on this channel. Some series include Stanley Hotel, Hell Week, The Queen Mary, and most recently, The Conjuring Series. Subscribe to explore, travel, go ghost hunting, and watch some scary content! Surviving A Week in OUR Demonic School PT 3 (THE POSSESSION) | Sam and Colby     • Surviving A Week in OU...  ​ 🎵 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators. Way down We Go by KALEO,​ License ID: N8DLrXOmyZO If you want to use music from famous artists, try Lickd to get track credits and unlimited stock music:​ Sam and Colby / samandcolby ... .
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